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HUXTABURGER         ​快餐

LOCATION                        254 Hampshire Road, Sunshine, VIC

CATEGORY                       Fast food

YEAR                               2023

The design of this local Australian fast food brand restaurant aims to create a Vintage, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. To achieve this, we have chosen dark wood, red bricks, neon lights and red accessories to create a retro atmosphere.


The combination of these elements creates a warm and welcoming environment for customers to enjoy their meals. The use of vintage-inspired furniture and decor adds to the overall aesthetic, and the incorporation of natural elements like plants and greenery brings a sense of freshness and balance to the space.

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27A Dorcas St, South Melbourne VIC 3205

Tel: 0451 150 825 / 0370450362

WeChat: Wyp90825

© 2023 E&S DESIGN

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